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All Japan Hospital Association

All Japan Hospital Association


Hirotoshi NISHIZAWA, M.D.

Address: Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, Misaki-cho, 3-7-12 7F
TEL:03-3234-5165 FAX:03-3234-5206
URL ............
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Greeting message from the President
The AJHA, a nationwide hospital association, was established in 1960.
Nowadays it represents about 2,200 member hospitals, most of which are
private hospitals.
Healthcare is one of the most important public issues related directly
to the health and living of individuals and communities. Lately the public
is paying more and more attention to healthcare, and in order to respond
to these expectations the AJHA thinks it important to establish a healthcare
system where healthcare staff can take pride in providing credible and
capable healthcare services to public.
The Japanese society is experiencing rapid aging and financial problems.
A healthcare reform lead by the government focuses mostly on financial
aspects. But what Japanese people really want are safe, equal and quality
healthcare services and information, which enables them to choose healthcare
services rationally, although they stay anxious about the increase of
medical and long-term care costs. Healthcare staff in practice demands that
the reform should pay more attention to the actual situation of healthcare
provision, regional differences and the establishment of a fair
reimbursement system. No one is satisfied with the present reform.
In these rapidly changing circumstances, the AJHA researches what
hospitals and healthcare providing systems ought to be to establish a
healthcare system, which can satisfy both, the Japanese people and the
healthcare providing staff. The results of the discussion were released
as a series of publications. The AJHA is willing to solve major challenges
to contribute to quality and sound management of member hospitals.
Without understanding and support from the public, even a good idea
cannot be realized. To gather correct data, to report evidence-based
recommendation and to meet expectations support from the people is essential.
The AJHA is an organization dedicated to the quality healthcare for the
Japanese people.
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